Oppenheimer Core Bond Fund (OPIGX OIGBS OPBCX)
Did you sustain losses investing in the Oppenheimer Core Bond Fund?
Sonn Law Group is investigating allegations by investors who sustained losses in the Oppenheimer Core Bond Fund (OPIGX, OIGBX, OPBCX). Allegations have surfaced that the Fund represented itself as conservative and appropriate as “a long-term investment,” while assuming a level of risk that directly conflicted with its stated investment strategy. This resulted in the Core Bond Fund having an over 35 percent devaluation in 2008 with another 10 percent occurring in the first quarter of 2009.
Some individuals invested in the Oppenheimer Core Bond Fund directly or at the advice of their financial advisors. While others bought shares of the Oppenheimer Core Bond Fund through their 529 college savings plans, like those in Maine, New Mexico, Oregon, Illinois and Texas. Still others purchased these bonds through their retirement plans or annuities. If you are unsure as to whether your plan invested in the Oppenheimer Core Bond Fund, we can help you to determine if you are affected by this litigation.
If you believe that you may have been misled as to the risk of your Oppenheimer Core Bond Fund and wish to learn more about our investigation, please contact us toll free at 844-689-5754 or fill out the “contact us” form.
If you have information or wish to discuss your rights as an investor, contact us at 844-689-5754 or contact Jeff Sonn, Esq. at [email protected] or Brian B. Pastor at [email protected], or Jennifer Poole Farrar at [email protected], or Adolfo J. Anzola at [email protected]