Imagine that you purchased a substantial amount of stock in a prominent American energy company. You did so under the impression that this company offered[...]
Securities & Investment FAQ
At Sonn Law Group, we are currently investigating investor complaints against Highlands REIT, a non-traded real estate investment trust. Previously, Highlands REIT was a part[...]
Have you invested any of your hard-earned money into UBS Exchange Traded Access Securities (ETRACS)? If so, you need to have a full understanding of[...]
If you are an investor and you have a claim against your broker or brokerage firm, you will likely be required to go through FINRA’s[...]
If you have a brokerage account or any other type of investment account, you are likely invested in some form of securities. A security is[...]
FINRA Expert Witness Overview For the most part, if you have a claim against your broker or brokerage firm, it will need to be resolved[...]
“A loan made with securities as the collateral.” Securities based lending (SBL) has become increasingly popular in recent years. For both borrowers and lenders,[...]
Registered investment advisors (RIAs), brokerage firms, and any other party offering any type of investment have a legal duty to fairly represent the opportunity. To[...]
Discretionary accounts are trading accounts in which a broker is empowered with the authority to make individual transactions without seeking client approval. When operating these[...]
This article was originally published by HELENA – June 15th has been dubbed World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEADD). Data from the State Commissioner[...]