When you hire a financial advisor, you have the reasonable expectation that you will be able to rely on their advice. Unfortunately, financial advisor negligence[...]
Securities & Investment FAQ
In the modern world, the overwhelming majority of registered financial advisors make their clients sign customer agreements. Within these agreements, you will likely find a[...]
If you have a complaint against your broker or your brokerage firm, you will likely be required to pursue compensation through the FINRA arbitration process.[...]
For the most part, investor complaints against brokerage firms and financial advisors are resolved either through informal negotiation, mediation or FINRA arbitration. Should their claim[...]
Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution that is often used in the place of traditional litigation. In the securities industry, most complaints against[...]
Do you have a complaint against your stockbroker or your brokerage firm? If so, you will likely need to pursue compensation through the arbitration process[...]
At Sonn Law Group, our top-rated securities fraud lawyers are committed to promoting investor education. While derivative securities are often mentioned in financial media, many[...]
If you are like most people, before you go out to dinner at a new restaurant, you probably take a quick look at the reviews.[...]
What Investors Need to Know About the Risks Involved with Non-traditional Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) An exchange traded fund (ETF) is an investment fund that[...]
As an investor, you have no doubt heard the phrase “don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.” Most investors have a general understanding[...]